Best Way To Use Free Slot Play

7/29/2022by admin
  1. How To Get Free Slot Play
  2. Best Way Win Slot Machines
  3. How To Use Free Slot Play
  4. Best Way To Use Free Slot Play Games
  5. Best Way To Use Free Slot Playing Cards


Take Advantage of Free Money When you’re playing slot machines online, then you may have the opportunity to use free spins that come from the website you’re playing on. Don’t forget to use these spins especially if you’re betting real money. You’ll have an even greater chance of winning without even spending a dime yet. Her frequent national publicity, her long-term success in casinos around the world, and the solid low-rolling advantage-play techniques she's divulged along the way have all helped catapult The Frugal Gambler into the ranks of best-selling gambling books. The new revised edition includes a completely revamped chapter on video poker, updated. There are 2 schools of thought on freeplay. One is to play higher denominations/higher risk machines you might not play with real money. The other is the play the least risk machines like JOB VP and turn as much of it as possible into real money. The right choice for depends on your own risk/reward profile. I play to win and have fun, not for the empty perks I pay royally for and seldom use. All of my best offers come to me from the casinos where I have the lowest card. I get free rooms, meals and play money at them all - and I must say all of their gifts are much nicer than the casino where I am highest card.

by HenryTamburin

Too many slot players take the 'how long will it lastapproach' to playing the machines. You take your playing bankroll and playthe slots until you run out of money. If you are lucky, your money will lastuntil you have to leave.This is adefeatist attitude so it's no wonder these players consistently lose.

Is there a scientific way to play the machines? I was oncetold 'people who consistently win at slots by playing them scientificallyare called casino owners.'That'sbecause slot machines are programmed to return to players a certain percentageof coins put into them over a long period of time. There are no playing systemsthat will allow you to beat the slots over the long term. But over the shortterm, a player who knows how to play the machines smartly,will have a much better chance of decreasing his risk and increasing hischances of walking away from the machine a winner.

Following is my ten tips for smart slot play.It is the best advice I can give a slotplayer to improve your odds of winning and improve your overall return when youplay the machines.

Tip #1. Pick Thy Machine

Slot machines that have smaller jackpots usually have ahigher hit frequency that makes them a better bet over the short term. Try toplay on slot machines that certify at least a 98% or higherpayback or return. If that's not possible you are better off playing aslot machine with a mid-range jackpot which usually will have a higher hitfrequency rather than a machine that pays millions.

Tip #2. Play Max Coins

Most slot machines are programmed to pay off a certainamount for each coin played. When you insert two coins, the payoffs aredoubled. Likewise with 3 coins the payoffs increase proportionately to 3 timesthe 1 coin pay out. However the jackpot on most slot machines increases tobonus levels with maximum coins played. Always check if this is the case beforeyou play the machine. How do you do this? Just glance at thepayoffs listed somewhere on the machines. If the jackpot pays 1,000coins for first coin played, 2,000 coins for 2 coins but 5,000 coins for 3coins then its important that you play the maximum of3 coins. If you play less than 3 coins in these machines the overall returnpercentage is significantly lower compared with maximum coins played (note:some machines pay proportionally in which case it's OK to play less than onecoin).


Tip #3. More is Better

It's no secret that the higher the denomination machines thehigher the return percentages. On average quarter machinespayback 91 to 96% whereas dollar and five dollar machines payback more.Therefore to maximize your chances of leaving a winner, playing at a higherdenomination machine is your best bet. Putting a single dollar in a dollarmachine (ideally one that doesn't offer a bonus for a maximum coin jackpot) isa better bet than putting 3 quarters in a quarter machine.But you stand to lose more money at the higher limit machines unless you dowhat my fellow gaming writer Frank Scoblete suggestswhich is to slow down your play by pausing in between handle pulls. It takesdiscipline but if you can do it, you will be reducing your risk and increasingyour chances of going a home a winner.

Tip #4. Manage Your Money

First, divide the money you've set aside for playing theslots into 2 or 3 playing sessions. Do not risk blowing it all in one session!If your first session is a bummer, give it a rest before you start your nextsession. Play your session bankroll once through the machine then check yourcredits. If you've got more than you started with, I suggest pocketing some ofthe profits and play with the rest. If you've got less than you started with,I'd try another machine.

Tip #5. Play TheCarousels

If you are not playing certified slot machines then playthose machines that are most likely to be higher paying. Where are theselocated? Most managers I've surveyed tend to place the higher paying machines'in highly visible areas' of the casinos. In large casinos thesehigher return slot machines are placed in carousels usually at the end of aisles.That's not to say you won't find high payoff machines elsewhere in a casino,but I'd play the machines in those areas first.

Tip #6. Join the Club.

Casinos are willing to give you back a percentage of theamount of money you invest in a slot machine but only if you join a slot club.And not just any casinos slot club because they are not all alike. The betterslot clubs offer a higher cash rebate than others up to 0.67% and even 1.0%.

How To Get Free Slot Play

What does this mean? Suppose you play at a dollar machinewith an expected 98% payback. If you add the 0.67% cash rebate return to the98% return, your total return now increases to 98.67%.You can even do better than this by followingtip #7.

Tip #7. Play at One Casino

If you are a loyal member of a casino's slot club programyou will be entitled to a lot more than just cash rebates. How about theseperks: free meal comps, free or discounted hotel rooms, free invitations tospecial events, free gifts (especially on your birthday), free entry intocasino slot tournaments, and invitations to special events hosted by casinos(free of course).


And if that's not enough incentives some casinos rewardtheir preferred slot club players with special events that offer the chance forplayers to win thousands in additional prizes just for playing their favoritemachine.

It's a good idea to shop around for the best deals in slotclub benefits. One good source of information is Jeffrey Compton's 'LasVegas Advisor Guide to Slot Clubs'. The book summarizes the benefits ofcasino slot clubs and which ones offer more.

It's not hard to figure that a slot player can easily earnan additional 1% or more with the above cash rebates, perks, and other goodies.It's an excellent way of getting value for your investment in playing themachines.

Tip #8. Know Who ToAsk For Freebies

Get to know the slot hosts especially when you get hungryand want to eat.Or you feel like takinga break and seeing a show.

Here's a technique from Compton'sbook for asking for the comp. Slot hosts are much more generous with comps thanclub booth personnel. After playing for a couple hours, ask a change person orcashier to send over a slot host. Then while yourplaying ask the host for the comp.

Tip # 9. Play in Tournaments

If you participate in slot tournaments you have a chance ofwinning big money - while enjoying free room, meals, gifts, and everything elsethe casino throws in as an inducement to play.In some cases, the value of all the freebies that you get for being atournament participant will exceed your expected monetary loss. Just make surethat all of the player's entry fees are returned in the form of prizes. If youare not sure, ask the tournament director about this.

Best Way Win Slot Machines

Tip #10. Common Sense, Willpower& Discipline

You've got to exhibit all three to play smartly. What doesthis mean? Don't play with any more money that you can afford to lose. Leaveyour ATM card at home. If you're behind, don't get upset or play longer to geteven. The main reason most slot players lose is because they don't quit whenthey are ahead. Therefore, if Lady Luck smiles on you and you hit the jackpot,scoop up those coins and walk away a winner!

1. In many casinos, the denomination of your machine does not matter in earning comps, IF they are based exclusively on the total dollar amount of coin in. A nickel player who plays five timesJean Scott is known as the 'Queen of Comps' and encourages smarter casino gambling. She appears on network and cable TV, especially on the Travel Channel. Her down-to-earth practical suggestions will save you both time and money in your quest to make your trip to the casino more fun and more profitable. Jean's website is as long as a quarter player will get the same comps. A quarter player can achieve dollar-player status by playing four times as long. Check at the slot club to be sure of specific casino rules: some give more comps to dollar players than to quarter ones.

2. It used to be that almost all casinos based comps for machine players strictly on coin-in. High-tech tracking systems now allow casinos to add other factors to the formula. This can include such things as frequency of play, length of sessions, win/loss figures, denomination, and type of machine. Therefore it is often hard to determine how much play you must do to get the comps you wish to earn.

3. Some casinos comp rooms for out-of-towners more readily than for locals—even if both play at the same level. They assume, rightly or wrongly, that tourists will have a larger per-day bankroll. On the other hand, some casinos cater to locals and emphasize food comps more than free or discounted rooms.

4. Many casinos base your comps on a daily point average, spread over your whole visit. This works to your advantage, for example, if you play heavily some days and want to spend some days sightseeing with no play at all. Other casinos may penalize you for no-action days. Some casinos will lower your player rating (and thus the comp level) if you stop in and play just a short time on a day in between longer visits. In fact, I know of one casino that will count it as one whole day (a zero-play one) in your daily average if all you do is insert your card into a slot card reader to check your points. It pays to check on specific casino rules.

How To Use Free Slot Play

5. Some slot clubs do not give as many points to a player for video poker as they do for slot machines, so you will not earn as many comps for the same amount of coin-in.

6. If you want a food comp to one of a casino's better restaurants but your playing level is just under the qualification point, ask for a limited-dollar comp and/or one that is for food only, no alcoholic drinks. Your host may be more willing to issue it since you cannot run up a sky-high bill as you could on an 'open' comp.

Best Way To Use Free Slot Play Games

7. You don't always have to be a high roller to get a comped suite. Some casinos take into consideration lifetime play. We've been elevated to suite status after a few years of frequent quarter play, especially during the slow season between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

8. My husband, Brad, likes meal comps not just because he can eat free, but because they mean he usually does not have to wait in a long line.

Best Way To Use Free Slot Playing Cards

9. Never gamble with money you cannot afford to lose, just to get comps. It is wiser in the long run to plan to pay for your meals and room. Then, if the comps come, they'll be gravy.

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